Certified Kubernetes Application Developer. Compared to the administrator exam, this was a piece of cake. There was just something that annoyed me. Somewhere between me taking that exam last year and this year when I took this one, the Linux foundation changed the way the exam was administered. It used to be a remote terminal that had no input lag, was friendly with copy and paste, you get a nice big terminal. This time around, they changed it to a XFCE Remote Desktop that was horrible to use. I couldn’t use bookmarks anymore, the screen was super tiny, and I had to swap from my MacBook to my desktop because the experience was just terrible. Enough of my rant though! Given the setbacks I still passed with a 85. I would say I spent about 1 month studying for this. In this post I will give you some topics and resources to pass the exam.
Exam structure:
- There are 16 questions
- All questions were just follow instructions. Very minimal troubleshooting involved. Obviously know the relationships between the various different services.
Topics you should focus on:
- Volumes
- RBAC authentication
- Network policies
- Services
- Sidecar containers
- Deployment scaling
- docker build and deploy
- helm packaging and deployment
Exam Prep Resources:
- Kodekloud/Udemy’s course by Mumshad Mannambeth. Nothing can compare to this. Abuse the environment to the max for more practice!
- killer.sh exams. These are harder than the actual exam. If you pass this one, you passed the exam no question.
- These commands. I swear they save so much time editing yaml. You will be able to space correctly every time in the vi editor.
export do="--dry-run=client -oyaml" export now="--force —-grace-period=0"
Good luck with the exam and let me know if you passed!